Friday, January 19, 2018

Hanging close to Hometown

The winter oscillates between two unusable forms, either 20 below and bitter winds or snow-eating rain and 40 degrees.  The Christmas lights have come down and there is a promise of some outdoor time temperatures and snow to play in this coming weekend.  We have been staying busy and haven't had as much outdoor time as in the past.  Still haven't been sledding or ice fishing but plenty of winter left.  Ella played out on the town for a Jazz festival before heading off to a friends sleep over.  They played really well and it is always an enjoyable evening for the kids as well as the public.  Merrick joined about 30 of his classmates at a local parkour course for an epic nerf gun battle. The arsenal on hand was a bit breathtaking. Grace had a hometown tournament and scored as she won one lost won.  Sophia was prepping for her rite of passage with High School Finals.  The weekend was somewhat chill compared to what we are often accustomed to for the amount of running but like every weekend, it was a good one.

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