Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Catapults in the cold

It was over a week in design and with the garage heater combusting the propane Grace's Catapult came to fruition.  The medieval technology of a trebuchet had to be altered a bit to account for the short acceleration drop on the small scale implement of war; and we used shock cording instead.  Online schooling taught us that the garage shop is easier for getting the work done.  Fewer bottlenecks on the equipment and way fewer safety rules....Grace even pointed out to Amy, "nobody lost a finger yet"...so it is good to see that growth mindset training is really working too.  In the end I am sure he catapult will exceed the relatively hefty parameters of shooting over a 4 foot wall and in excess of 8 feet total with enough precision to hit a 5 gallon bucket target.  Step one however was getting it to school all in one piece and storing it in the shop without anyone messing with it....until it is time to "let Loose!"

**This entry needed an edit. Not only did Grace score an A+ on her Catapult, but she was asked to donate it to the Principal as an example for others.

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