Monday, September 3, 2018

INEC and smiles

I love to see the my calendar was a big line is crossing several days with the the scrawl of "INEC"  it means there is a meeting of the klans and we are going to be IN Eau Claire.  It is an event that is more rare than it should be.  The pictures are few and the specific memories always a little hazy as is common when the hours are filled with so much laughter that no one event stands out as extraordinary.  We headed over early on Friday and spent the time wandering the downtown, campus and water street areas.  Old stomping grounds that like both vibrant and foreign with the passage of time.  Heading back to "the table of all solutions' found campfires and camaraderie, old stories and new stories...some old stories told in new ways but mostly old stories told in old ways that had the comfort of a favorite hat or old pair of shoes.  Everything just fits.  Saturday found us in engendered teams at breakout rooms although I can't recall which group won and then a solid game of HORSE.  The kids are aging out of constant parental oversight...which actually means they need much more oversight.  Fortunatly the post everything on instagram so we can just watch the highlights of their dart-throwing stupidity and chew them out the following day; leaving more time for us adults to catch up around the fire.  The tree trolls had some new escapades and the deck did 'settle' to the point of needing a hydraulic jack but it did not slow the stories much.

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