Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Apples, grapes, strawberries oh my!!

Friday night had great intentions for fire, but the temperatures dipped and the wind picked up and after a long week our ambitions were spent.  Saturday was Merrick's last football game and his team racked up a solid win, and I was pumped to get an autograph from my favorite player.  The morning was cool but all in all a beautiful fall day.  The afternoon found us enroute to Baird's creek for a hike but we stopped on the way to test the slab of newly laid asphalt close to the house.  The girls packed thier ripsticks and attakced the smooth ribbon until it attacked back.  Ella caugth a rock and hit hard, bruising her thigh.  It impacted our hike a little too and given her soreness she opted to cut the hike short.  Until we found a great off trail bridge across the creek that just had to be crossed.  All four of us made it safely across with a chorus of giggles .  We were awarded with a vine of wild grapes.  It is a outing that we don't find something to forage on while we wander through the woods.  The smells were the wonderful moist cool smells of fall and the leaves were approaching peak colors.  The olefactory overload continued as Amy spent time on Sunday making another batch of applesauce, from the apples that were picked a couple weeks back, this time with strawberries added from a spring harvest.  It was excellent with some granola added!!

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