Sophia has left town for her two weeks on the Atlantic Ocean. She headed out as soon as school was over and is currently enduring the long car ride albeit sending pictures of some of the beautiful scenary she is seeing in West Virginia. She expects to hit Mrytle Beach by mid-afternoon today. Merrick and I have been getting into the summer grove although there is no way we are at a sustainable pace. He had school for a few days more than I did, which allowed me to join him for lunch on consecutive days. The first day, we played some kickball in a light drizzle and the rules have certainly changed since I last played it on the elementary playgroud. If you kick past everyone it only counts as a double, homeruns might make the other kids feel bad. You can not throw the ball at kids (I found that out the hard way) because it might cause someone to get hurt (on the grass with a soft ball) and you can't actually catch a flyball because if someone gets an out they might feel bad. I bowed out of recess the second day. We were able to dance when the music was played in the lunch room and even started a conga line. Music is allowed, dancing for more than 90 seconds at a time comes with a reminder that we were to be seated and finish our lunch. All the new rules made my head hurt and I wasn't even trying to learn any of the content! Merrick and I did get pudding cups, which were awesome, but it was made clear that it could not be traded for his friends ice cream....more rules. We did finish rebuilding the windows in the garage and got them painted as well so hopefully the amount of rain getting into them diminishes greatly. Amy also scored us a sweet thrift sale backboard and with the paint on hand and couple new bolts fromt he hardware store Brusiser and I got it put up and played the first of many games of HORSE.---of which he won. Grandprize and Grandma had sent Merrick a little play money so we quickly burned that up on the Race track, easily winning both of our heats and almost lapping the others both times. With the batting cages so close to the track it seemed logical that we practice out cuts a little before heading home. He hits better than I do or in reality ever have.....I was more accoustomed to swinging three times and then sitting down, but the machines kept pitching so I was able to strike out several times in a row. Merrick has great hand eye contact and smacked the ball with solidity. On the penultimate day of school he did loose another tooth and of course we made the required end of school Zesty's run. Sophia had rode her bike to school and then hit a different ice cream spot with her friends....alas, the grow up so fast. On the first day of vacation Merrick and I headed to Kewanee county for a little fishing and much like the batting cages and basketball he bested me at the bait science as well. Catching two to my none. It has been a busy couple of days for Brusier...and that is how it should be.
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