Saturday, September 4, 2010

Summer draws down

Summer comes to an end and school starts for the kids and me. We held on to vacation with a death grip and managed to squeeze in one more camping trip at Hartman Creek State Park. The weather was alright, although a good size storm came through on Friday afternoon. When we returned home we learned that the same storm create a deluge of nearly 3 inches of water in little more than an hour and a half, complete with jet skis and canoes in the down town streets. For us the it was just some heavy rain for a twenty minutes of so, enough to soak the campfire wood. The campground had more kids in it than any campground I have ever been in. The site across from us had three little girls and the kids quickly made friends which lead to bike rides and a lot of hopscotch/sidewalk chalk. Showed Sophia how to play solitaire with real cards rather than on a computer screen. As she ran out of the camper to use the restroom in the middle of her game she hollared back "hey dad pause it." The dogs were along for this trip, much to their chagrin, so Lisa and I took turns with the kids at the beach as the dogs were not allowed. The built sand castles, romped with the other kids and collected a multitude of snail shells. We also sneaked out for a little geocaching, but the mosquitoes were pretty thick when bushwhacking was required, and we didn't log a single find-except for a pretty good wild apple tree. The return home also brought the beginning of school for Merrick and then Sophia's first day shortly after. Everyone is adjusting back into the routines of the academic year.

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