Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's a Ringer

Pretty low key weekend even by our standards. Lisa is heading out around noon on Sunday and will not be back until Wednesday. As she is in the "morning parent" much of the weekend has been used to figure out how I am going to drop of the kids in the morning and still make it to work on time--the conclusion is that I will not. At any rate on Friday night we raged against mother nature shook our fists in defiance, donned out rain coats and took a walk in the rain (yes this all sounds more dramatic than the 20 minute walk really was). On Saturday Sophia and I spent a little time indoors at the grocery store, ringing the bell for the salvation army. Even though it was early in the season I think it was hard for people to fight against the double dose of guilt; red kettle and a cute girl. It was good for Sophia too as it was her job to tell all the adults in an audible voice "Merry Christmas." Merrick and Sophia spread grass seed, that will never germinate, on the leveled off mulch pile that used to be our stump. This pile was considerably larger than first estimated and was near 3 cubic yards of mulch dirt mix. I don't think it will be necessary to add any additional mulch to the flower beds next spring. There were plans to have an accompanying photo of Sophia in her red apron, bell and Santa's hat alas gang aft agley.

This evening we will be back at the hockey rink for Sophia's practice, she is #3 on the Orange team. Fear not you will all see as much of her practice as I will, as Merrick needs a lot of attention during practices.

1 comment:

Mark Evenson said...

Grandman Irene will be so proud that Sophia is telling everyone Merry Christmas!!! Good luck with your new morning rush