Monday, June 13, 2022

Graduations of All Kinds


It was a week Ella Stole the show on Monday with her graduation and culmination of high school as we continued to prep for her big weekend party to come on Saturday.  Grace took care of Tuesday with her 8th grade celebration and with that all the kids were on summer break.  Thursday night was back to Ella with her final LaCrosse banquet and she managed to sneak in an introduction of Grace to the coach as she considers starting next spring.  The family started to roll in from LaX, EC and Cincy on Friday and become instrumental in the final prep of party essentials as Merrick and I sneaked out for a blackbelt test.  It was a challenging test, but we both passed and earned a small celebration dinner of cheeseburgers on Sunday night.  Monday has found me back at work, but in a couple of days I too will get to start summer vacation...which is filling up fast with College days, golf leagues, Basketball camps, lifeguarding and all the things that occur in our ever aging but never slowing family.