Monday, December 21, 2020

Early drives and late miles


Not terribly early but we hit the road about 7:30 am with a promise of a coffee stop for Grace that didn't happen until closer to 9.  We had about 4 hours of road time to log before reaching Copper Falls State Park.  The headwaters of the Bad River is a beautiful crashing water falls continuing to cut away at post ice age granite.  The temperatures were perfect winter walking and we even logged some steps on the North Country trail.  The day was still young and Amy loves Lake superior so...why not it is only another 40 minutes north so we headed to the great inland sea and played around in Ashland a bit before racking up the miles on hwy 2.  51 north, 8 and 2...not possible to be on these roads and not lead to an adventure.  With just short of 550 miles we were still home on the couch for a Packers win.  That is a quality way to spend a day.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

tree and treats

The year keeps clippin' along.  We did head out and cut down the tree right after T-day and found a great little tree named Shawn.  It is a cut your own place in which each tree is named and you can only cut the trees that have been named...not sure if the owner is crazy or just a good business ploy.  The lights were put up and the tree was trimmed.  Herbie is officially on non-moving supervisor duty at this stage in the game. Talks are starting about sending kids back to school and I suspect by next month they will be back at least some of the time.  We did get some cookies made as well and it likely goes without saying but Grace made the dough ad it was some of the best cookies we have every had. There was corn startch in the dough and left really clean edges.  Ella was able to crank out a large number of lobster cookies.  Everyone has got much better and the decoration of the cookies